Baby steps with Protractor and AngularJS

May 27, 2014
protractor angularjs e2e testing

Protractor is an emerging E2E (end to end) testing framework in the AngularJS world. This article shows you how to run your very first test in Protractor.

Before beginning, ensure you have the following pre-requisites installed.

The first thing you need to do is to install Protractor.

npm install -g protractor

As Protractor uses webdriver/selenium under the covers, you will need to ensure you have the necessary libaries installed.

webdriver-manager update

To get started, we’ll just take the example configuration bundled with Protractor.

$ mkdir protractor
$ cd protractor
$ cp /usr/local/lib/node_modules/protractor/example/* .

Now in another terminal window, start up selenium server via the following command.

$ webdriver-manager start

You should see a bunch of output like: 7636
May 02, 2014 9:32:19 PM org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncher main
INFO: Launching a standalone server
Setting system property to /usr/local/lib/node_modules/protractor/selenium/chromedriver
21:32:19.465 INFO - Java: Oracle Corporation 23.7-b01
21:32:19.465 INFO - OS: Mac OS X 10.9.2 x86_64
21:32:19.477 INFO - v2.41.0, with Core v2.41.0. Built from revision 3192d8a
21:32:19.564 INFO - Default driver registration is skipped: registration capabilities Capabilities [{platform=WINDOWS, ensureCleanSession=true, browserName=internet explorer, version=}] does not match with current platform: MAC
21:32:19.600 INFO - RemoteWebDriver instances should connect to:
21:32:19.601 INFO - Version Jetty/5.1.x
21:32:19.602 INFO - Started HttpContext[/selenium-server/driver,/selenium-server/driver]
21:32:19.603 INFO - Started HttpContext[/selenium-server,/selenium-server]
21:32:19.603 INFO - Started HttpContext[/,/]
21:32:19.619 INFO - Started org.openqa.jetty.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler@2a852e54
21:32:19.619 INFO - Started HttpContext[/wd,/wd]
21:32:19.622 INFO - Started SocketListener on
21:32:19.622 INFO - Started org.openqa.jetty.jetty.Server@1dc80063

Now back in your protractor directory, run the example test.

$ protractor conf.js

If this runs correctly, chrome should pop up and run a few tests over the AngularJS website. This means protactor has been setup properly and you should be able to use it in your testing.

Here are some references: